
Detergent booster doscan RV-O (20 kg) Dr.Weigert

  • Brand: Dr.Weigert
  • Product Code: 1001-01
  • Availability: In Stock
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  • 100р.
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doscan RV-O is an additive for alkaline cleaning solutions in the food industry.

Main Fields of application:

Increases the cleaning efficiency of alkaline solutions for cleaning production facilities such as containers, tanks, pipes, heaters and separators through automated CIP processes or in circulation processes and for removing odorants and colorants in food and beverages.

Especially for cleaning presses and heaters in the confectionery industry. For professional use only!


doscan RV-O - is a cleaning enhancer based on hydrogen peroxide and complexing agents with the following properties:

  • reliably removes even heavy, organic dirt

  • Effectively removes dyes and odorants

  • without surfactants

  • hydrogen peroxide decomposes into environmentally safe decomposition products

  • suitable for oxidation-compatible materials and synthetic materials

  • rubber materials should not be treated with peroxide-containing agents for prolonged contact

  • material compatibility also depends on the alkaline base components used


doscan RV-O is used in combination with alkaline detergent solutions or with soda solutions. doscan RV-O is dosed in the concentration range of 0.2-1 weight% at temperatures of 60 - 85oC.

Ideal to use doscan RV-O in a tank to balance the feed for immediate use.

The RV-O must be dosed at intervals to ensure optimum efficiency throughout the cleaning time of the doscan RV-O.

pressure equalization must be ensured if doscan RV-O is used in closed systems, because of the release of oxygen increase pressure.

Food contact surfaces should be rinsed with potable water after each cleaning and disinfection to remove product residue.

Do not mix with other products. Do not mix doscan RV-O with cleaning solutions containing active chlorine!