
Types of sparkling wine: The effect of sugar on taste and aroma

On the label of sparkling wine, the type of wine is indicated depending on the amount of sugar in the drink.

So, sweet is more than 50 g of sugar per liter; semi-dry - 32-50 g of sugar per liter; dry - 17-32 g; extra-dry - 12-17 g; brut - less than 12 g; and extra-brut - less than 6 grams of sugar per liter. For wines containing less than 3 g of sugar per liter or containing no sugar at all, the designation "dosage zero", "brut nature", Dosage zero, brut nature, pas dosé is used. The berry and citrus notes of the drink are noticeable brighter in accordance with the amount of sugar. The consumer has a huge choice of sparkling wines, depending on the type, country of production, price, etc.

And the best ingredients for wine production are offered by Anax group.