Hop extracts


Exposure to light destroys the hop components, and this is a problem for all novice brewers. To solve this problem, you can either use a dark bottle that does not allow the rays to pass through, or ascorbic acid, which allows the product to be preserved longer.

However, none of these options does not give 100% protection against oxidation, but gives the result invented by chemists hop extract, which everyone can buy today. The company ANAX offers to buy the "extraction" of cones to small and large plants at the best price. All products presented on the site have the appropriate certificates of quality.


Extraction is the separation of substance components using various solvents. Among them the first place is occupied by ethanol or liquid CO2.

They dissolve hop oils and resins well, forming a clean and high-quality hop extract, and the price allows large and small plants to take advantage of the product. As for other solvents, they are not capable of providing the same purity of "extraction". Extracts prepared with them always contain some residual substances that are either toxic or simply do not meet purity standards.

The product is easy to use, it does not need sedimentation like conventional hops. If you need to "finish off" the bitterness in the prepared beer, it is much more effective to do it with the extract, which transfers almost all the bittering substances to the drink. In comparison, hop cones or granules are only recycled by one third. That is why it is much more cost effective to buy hop extract.

Another important advantage of extraction is the ability to store the finished additive for a long time. It is not susceptible to light and retains all its properties for a long time.

With all these characteristics in mind, hop extract for brewingr is ordered by all major breweries worldwide, as well as by private brewers and home brewers in bulk or retail . If you are looking for high-quality and inexpensive hop extract, we recommend pay your attention to the offer of ANAX Group. We have a wide range of products from leading manufacturers.


Extraction with ethanol and carbon dioxide is widely used. By familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of each, you will be able to buy the hop extract for beer that best suits your needs.

Ethanol extraction is a continuous process that involves mixing hops with 90% ethanol. The composition enters countercurrent equipment, where the alcohol is gradually filled with all the components of the plant. The result is a pure alcoholic solution that contains all the beneficial substances. It is called a micelle. Further in the course of technological processing the product is thickened, turned into a concentrated extract, and then the alcohol is removed from it. You can buy such a hop extract in bulk from the producer in the online store of ANAX.

As far as  extraction with CO2, for the process to be successful, it must be converted from a gaseous state to a liquid state. This is achieved in two ways:

  1. With ordinary pressure - by extreme cooling.
  2. With ordinary temperature - by increasing the pressure.

The price of CO2 hop extract is higher because it requires more energy. But the process produces a perfectly pure product, which is why it is gaining more and more popularity among the giants of brewing, who care about their reputation.

Extraction with liquid carbon dioxide takes place at a temperature of 20 and a pressure of 70 bar. In one tank the CO2 is saturated with valuable hop constituents and in the other tank it evaporates. By means of mechanical energy the CO2 is further liquefied, compressed and injected into the process. You can buy ready-made CO2 hop extract at ANAX in bulk or retail.

In addition to the above, there are also powdered extract and tetrahydroisoextract. The first is obtained by applying the extract to silica gel or pellets to achieve optimal flowability. The second includes isomerized and reduced alpha acid, which improves foam stability, prevents photo aging, and gives a mild bitterness to the beverage. Choosing which hop extract for beer to buy, it is worth considering such factors as the size of production, budget, technology, features of the final beverage, etc.


The brewing products presented in our product range contribute to the prosperity of the industry and the creation of quality beverages at the level of large industrial facilities and amateur breweries. ANAX specializes in quality ingredients from leading producers.

You can profitably purchase hop extract for beer, because the price depends on the quantity, timing and peculiarities of brewing. Our technologists and managers will advise on all questions of interest and will select the best product for you.

Delivery of additives is carried out all over Europe. Our offices in Germany and Kazakhstan are constantly working on improving logistics, so you can be sure that you will receive the goods quickly, reliably and at low cost.

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