Starter culture ASTRO -CPBGF 103 Calza ClementeFreeze-dried starter concentrate for direct inoculation into a vat of milk and milk bases. Contains ..
Starter culture ASTRO LP Calza ClementeLyophilized starter concentrate for direct inoculation into a vat of milk and milk bases. Contains c..
Starter culture ASTRO PR Calza ClementeThe ASTRO PR culture is mainly used for biosecurity. Before adding rennet, the culture must be added..
Protective cultures
In manufacturing are used protective cultures to ensure that dairy products retain their flavor characteristics and stored for a long time. Which can be purchased in bulk or retail at ANAX Group company.
They inhibit mold growth, bacteria that adversely affect the quality of sour-milk products protect them from temperature fluctuations during transportation and storage, retain their organoleptic properties throughout their shelf life. Many facilities want to buy protector cultures because they want to use fewer conservatives and without losing quality.
There is a wide variety of protective strains, some of them have a narrowly targeted effect against specific types of pathogens, and others are more versatile and can be used in a variety of situations. Using protectors, yoghurts, sour cream, cheeses, cottage cheese and other dairy products will have a more natural composition and a longer shelf lifetime.
Types of protective cultures
The price of protective cultures for fermented dairy products depends on many factors: composition, the manufacturer, the raw materials used, the desired result. Among the main functions of the different types of protectors are:- avoiding bloating of cheeses;
- suppression of oil-acid and other spore-forming organisms;
- prevention of the growth of extraneous microflora;
- natural fermentation.
ANAX offers the most popular and sought-after protective sourdough starter products, the price of which will not hit the budget of industrial giants and small industries.
So, in the catalog you will find:
- Sourdough ASTRO –CPBGF 103 intended for biosecurity. They have a very low oxidation threshold, biologically prevent the growth of microorganisms. They are added to the dairy product along with the main starter culture and only then is rennet added. The sourdough contains lactobacteria Rhamnosus, Plantarum, Paracasei.
- Sourdough ASTRO LP add for inoculation into milk. The decision to buy this type of protective starter will maintain a controlled, reliable, effective acid development.
- Sourdough ASTRO PR is another type of bioprotective cultures that prevent the evolution of undesirable bacteria, microbes and other organisms in fermented dairy products.
However, it is worth noting that even high-quality additives cannot affect the safety of the final product in case of violation of all technological and thermal conditions, sanitary norms, the use of low-grade raw materials. Quality protector cultures are the price of a decent comprehensive result. They have quite a few functions:
- protection of the product during manufacture;
- cumulative effect during storage;
- maintaining a high level of quality;
- sanitary treatment.
In addition, production has a financial benefit buying protective sourdough in bulk. They ensure minimal waste, lower shipping costs, and increase customer loyalty due to the high quality of the finished product
Main quality factors of protective cultures
It is important to use additives from the best manufacturers who have proven themselves from the best sides to get dairy products with excellent taste and organoleptic characteristics. They must meet certain requirements and standards.
So, ANAX offers to buy protector crops which:
- They have a pronounced effect of inhibiting bacteria.
- They are a 100% natural and safety product.
- Do not have a negative impact on the organoleptic quality of the final product.
- Resistant to frost and warmth.
- Survives critical conditions.
- Resistant to salts and other chemical elements.
- Extend the shelf life of dairy products naturally, without the use of expensive conservatives.
Why you should choose the ANAX GROUP?
Call the phone numbers listed on the website to buy protective sourdough starter. Consultants will answer all your questions and help arrange delivery all over Europe. Our offices are based in Kazakhstan and Germany, which makes it possible to promptly interact with both major industrial giants and private clients.
ANAX offers an optimal solution to improve the production processes in the dairy sector of the food industry. The decision to buy sourdough supplements will take your business to the next level!
Working with ANAX Group you get competitive prices, high quality products, established logistics and a wide range of different cultures with certificates of quality and high standards.