Protein PROCREAM 15 IngrediaFat-free functional milk protein. PROCREAM® 15 can be used in all nutritional spheres as a partial o..
Protein PROCREAM 20A IngrediaPROCREAM® 20 A can be used in any food product as a partial or complete substitution of skimmed milk..
Protein PROMILK 852 A IngrediaPROMILK® 852 A is a dairy ingredient that helps increase and standardize raw protein content in many..
Protein PROMILK 852 B IngrediaPROMILK® 852 B is used in cheese for enrichment in traditional technology or technologies with..
Protein PROMILK SH20 IngrediaPROMILK® SH20 is used in the production of cheeses: hard cheeses, semi-hard cheeses, fresh cheeses. ..
Protein PROMILK® 802 FB IngrediaPROMILK® 802 FB can be used in many food products: yoghurts, low fat cheeses, dairy desserts, confec..